Sushi Preparation – The Key to Excellent Sushi

The key to excellent sushi is good preparation.

As there can be many components, it is vital that you get the preparation for each part right to ensure that your sushi looks and tastes great.

Basic Sushi Preparation


Although it sounds pedantic, even the way you cut your cucumber can make a huge difference to the overall aesthetic of your sushi rolls;

  1. With a sharp knife cut your cucumber length-ways along the middle
  2. Remove the core (this will remove any seeds and make cutting sticks easier)
  3. Face each half down on a cutting board and slice into sticks about 5mm thick
  4. Hold together and trim so they are uniform in length (this should be approximately half the length of your sheet of nori)


Carrots can be quite awkward to cut due to their shape and so you should try and find a vegetable that it is as even as possible;

  1. Take carrot and cut off both ends
  2. With sharp knife, cut length-ways down the middle, ensuring that you keep your cut straight
  3. Take each half and cut length-ways again, this should result in four rectangular pieces, all around 5mm thick
  4. Cut into sticks of equal thickness
  5. Trim and adjust the length so that each is around half the length of a sheet of nori
  6. Blanche in water for a couple of minutes so that they aren’t as crunchy – this is optional but can have better effects for your sushi’s texture, depending on your preference

Sushi Rice

Picking the right kind of rice is important for both the taste and texture of your sushi. If you are particularly health conscious you may wish to use brown rice, it is standard however to use Shari rice, which is now available in most supermarkets;

  1. Wash rice under running water for a couple of minutes or until all the starch has drained out to remove impurities
  2. Put rice in a pan and cover with water – be careful not to put in too much as you are likely to end up with mush
  3. Place on a high heat and stir every minute or two until the water boils
  4. Lower the heat to a minimum and cover (you should avoid stirring at this point)
  5. After around 6 minutes check the water level inside the pan. If all the water has been absorbed then your rice is ready, if not, leave for a couple of minutes, checking back frequently
  6. Using a wooden spoon, remove the rice from the pan, leaving any that has become stuck to the bottom
  7. Mix rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a small pan and place on a medium heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved
  8. Pour on rice and stir
  9. Allow rice to cool to room temperature before using

Spicy Mayonnaise

Although, if you are calorie-conscious, you may wish to steer clear of using mayonnaise in your sushi, it can add a great contrast in terms of texture. It also tastes great and is very easy to make. A light mayonnaise will work just as well too.

Take 1tbsp and 1tsp of your favourite chilli sauce or fresh chilli and stir together. It really is that simple!

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